Raina Nathair & the Electronic Quill

Raina Nathair's personal thoughts and bad puns/jokes as she navigates the choppy waters that her little lifeboat seems destined to rock upon forever.

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Location: East Coast, United States

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Long Absence

Wow, I have a blog. I'd nearly forgotten. Witchy hunted me down, drug me out from under the rock that I have been under and propped me up long enough for me to wake up and smell the dying blog. Phew! Open a window somebody.

Let's give as coherent an update as I'm able.

Left the old job after the tower I used died, I was sent home on an unpaid vacation with no expected return date. Joy. I waited a little bit and went back to the temp agency that had gotten me my previous jobs. Problem was, it was a slow period. So after many weeks, I got in and took the computer tests they require and did fabulous. I had a few one day assignments offered but turned them down as they were in the middle of no where.

Then a four-day assignment using my office management talents came up, organize a supply room. Er... okay. Done in the first day, now what? Er... did I mind cleaning the refrigerator? ::sigh:: I guess not.

Four days turned into 'come back next week' every week for a long time, until finally I must have whined to the right person or something because I was offered a job here doing what I do best... being an Office Mommie and handling the annoying tasks no one else has the time or interest in doing. Joy!

So I have steady work. Yeah! The car dies. Crap. The car is fixed. The car dies. The car is fixed. Yes, she's alive! And the next day after a week of taxi rides, the car is repoed because we are too far behind in payments due to the repair bills. Joy. So we cash in an insurance policy, (OUCH) and get the car out of hock. So now we're even farther in the hole, minus a policy, and a great deal of cash was poured into the 'get to work' fund.

So... life sucks.

But I enjoy my new job... usually... I get to talk to interesting people. I got an email reply from George Carlin once. NICE! And Morgan Fairchild. Nice.

So you are fairly up to date. I'm several months into the new job. Occasionally doing five miute tasks for the old one... only hoping to gleen some part-time pay outta him eventually.

Anyway, work calls. Must go. Will try to update more often.

Luv ya,



Blogger NorthWitch said...

Awww, but at least I still love you... and the Empress still wants to show you her pretty claws...

11:34 AM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Ouch! Ouch! Yes! Nice... OUCH... claws Yvla. ::checks her bandage supplies:: I'm not sure how much of Yvla's affections I can handle without a trip to the store or the hospital.

11:37 AM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

Well, that's just the way it has to bee, if you're hanging with the Empress...

11:53 AM  

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