Raina Nathair & the Electronic Quill

Raina Nathair's personal thoughts and bad puns/jokes as she navigates the choppy waters that her little lifeboat seems destined to rock upon forever.

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Location: East Coast, United States

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Lilac Cutting

One of my co-workers brought in a few beautiful blossoms from the massive lilac bush/tree that she has growing on her property. She's my hippy friend. She's totally organic (ignore the cigarettes - she keeps trying to quit them), a vegetarian, and a radical. I adore her expect on rare occasion.

Well, I cooed over the many bright and colorful blooms. She brought me a cutting from the tree to see if I could get it to grow. Isn't that sweet?

Now I've got it in a glass of water and plant food trying to encourage it, but I may just go find a nice place in my yard and plant it. I'm going to have to do a little research into this. Hmmmm...

Anyway, here's hoping the lovely lilacs get to join my yellow roses and my wild red roses. The small wild white tea rose bush died. It didn't survive the winter. I've got a nice place for a small something where it was... not going to plant the lilac there. I want a huge lilac plant, not something being cut back very few weeks because it's too close to the parking spots. That little white rose bush (mostly a wandering ground growth) was perfect for that strip of grassy space between my spacing.

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Blogger Raina Nathair said...

From everything I just read, this cutting won't do it. I'll probably have to go to a nursery. Oh, well.

10:21 AM  
Blogger Shadow Rider said...

Darlin, I gots lilacs coming out of my a**, you want some? Come dig 'em. Got a nice batch of saplings coming up right where I'm going to put a path. Also have white, pink, and fushia peonies..ya want 'em?

8:52 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...



4:57 PM  
Blogger Shadow Rider said...

Well, come any weekend, bring buckets! We have shovels, and some free labor to help dig.

9:00 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Nice. Will have to take you up on that soon!

9:58 AM  

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