Raina Nathair & the Electronic Quill

Raina Nathair's personal thoughts and bad puns/jokes as she navigates the choppy waters that her little lifeboat seems destined to rock upon forever.

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Location: East Coast, United States

Friday, December 29, 2006

Metro Don'ts List

This rant is inspired by the 'company' I had last evening on the Metro heading home... Yes, I mean YOU people.

- Keep your shoes on your feet. You aren't at home. You are in public and no one wants to see your dirty, stinky socks resting on the seat in front of you... or anywhere for that matter.

- Do NOT have your music so loud that I can hear your music (if you call it that) over mine... with my headphones... and half a train car between us... No, I shouldn't hear it even if I'm standing within three (3) feet of you. No one wants to listen to some stupid punk singing about how he killed a man for breathing, okay... no one who isn't going to be doing time shortly for stupidity... How'd you like it if Granny was listening to Barry Manilow on her headphones and you were stuck beside her for over an hour? Copa Cabana anyone?

- Do NOT talk so loud to your fellow idiot(s) that I can follow every detail of your boring (or soap opera-esque) life over my music... with my headphones on... and my eardrums crying at the volumn level I have it set to in an effort to overcome the graphic details of how he failed to 'do it' for you last night on the coffee table in your parents' home. We don't care. Shut up. And move out of your parents' house, you loser.

- Do NOT swear. We all had bad days too. We don't need you ranting to your fellow idiot(s) about your crappy day. This isn't "share time", shut it.

- The rules (see "laws") state that eating and/or drinking on the Metro is bad... illegal even. They meant you, jacka$$. Yes, you. No eating covers cookies, leftovers, peanuts, popcorn, chips, etc. And drinking covers all fluids, alcoholic or not. Yes, that means sodas too. So shut your mouth and wait until you get home or at least off the Metro. We don't care to smell your Cat Curry or Nasty Nachos in the crowded car or stand in the puddle of soda you spilled on the floor. Oh, you didn't spill it and that's not your trash you left on the seat or crammed into the gap between the seat and the window? How convenient.

- Cologne & perfume = good. Bathing in it = BAD. No, make that VERY BAD. Spare us. We don't want to be TASTING your d@mned cheap a$$ (or expen$ive a$$) stinky water for hours after walking within three (3) feet of you or someplace that you've been recently. I don't care if you smell like newly minted large denomination money... there is such a thing as restraint, learn some. Think of the $money$ you'll be saving.

- Bathing is NOT optional. Use hot water & soap... often... daily even... You would be surprised at how much easier it is to chat up that hottie on the train after you've dealt with your stench.

- Don't read over my shoulder. It's rude. It's an invasion of my privacy. It could be a security risk. And it could lead to you getting poked in the eye. Yes, I would rustle my (note MY) reading materials right when you are hanging over me like a vulture and hopefully smack you in the face and get really lucky and poke you in the eye. I'm like that. Deal with it and bring something to read, dumba$$.

- Do NOT have a loud phone call while on the train or in the Metro at all.
  1. You can't hear a damn thing
  2. Neither can they
  3. The rest of us, however, hear fine and resent you for deafening us.
  4. Shut up.
  5. Turn off the phone.
  6. No one likes you anyway.
- Do NOT perform PDAs (Public Displays of Affection) while using the Metro. I may throw up and ruin the mood. I mean... do you REALLY think that you two sucking face is CUTE? ::snickers:: Get a room. Buy a clue. You aren't and this isn't the Playboy Channel. Take it somewhere PRIVATE.

- Give an old person a seat when the train is crowded, you stupid shit! They are older than you, far more tired that you and are likely hell and gone politer than you. Plus, you don't wanna be the person that they fall on if the train stops suddenly. You'll smell like 'old person' for hours afterward. Eww... And heaven forbid that they hurt themselves. Metro WILL keep us all there to take statements. That'll ruin your night a lot worse than standing for a few stops. Plus, you'll be reguarded as a "good soul" for being so considerate. So move your a$$ and give 'em that seat! (Especially if it's labeled "for the elderly or physically impaired). And no, being a dumba$$ isn't a physical impairment... it's a cultural/social one and they don't make special seats for your type of problem. If they did, it'd be on TOP of the train. Enjoy the fresh tunnel air but remember to duck those pipes and lights.

- Do NOT run for the train. This ain't an elevator. The doors do not retract (it means pull back) when they strike an object (like your thick head or fat a$$). No, they continue to try and close so the train can get out of the way of the next train. Besides, we don't want your dumba$$ in our car anyway. You loser. Catch the next damn train.

Thus ends my rant for the day. Thank you for reading and probably nodding at a few of these and snarling at others. Hey, no one's perfect but damn... it won't kill us to try to be.


Blogger NorthWitch said...

I love my car, I love my car, I love my car, I love my car, I love my car, I love my car, I love my car, I love my car, I love my car, I love my car, I love my car, I love my car, I love my car, I love my car, I love my car, I love my car, I love my car, I love my car, I love my car, I love my car.

10:39 AM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Yes, but Metro is supposed to be a viable alternative to driving and thus creating more traffic, using more fuel, using more resources on caretaking your car....


10:43 AM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

We don't have Metro where I live, I'd have to get up even earlier to take the bus, with x amount of transfers. It'd take more than twice as long to get to work!

10:47 AM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

You have a valid reason NOT to use public transit. But the Metro here is such at many people I see breaking these simple rules are the yuppies who live blocks away from stations... or tourists staying at the hotels around the stations.

Me? It'd take one bus ride and two trains to get in every morning plus a half an hour walk on both ends of the commute. In the evening, I don't mind... But I get a ride at least to the Metro in the morning.

10:51 AM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

True! I do have a valid reason, but I still love my car. To me, it's independence! Freedom that I refuse to give up. I can play whatever music I want, or not as the case may be from time to time. No unpleasant odors, and no idiots entertaining the surroundings with idiocy!

10:58 AM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Ah... I see. But you do deal with idiots. The other drivers, some of whom seem to believe that they are unbreakable, untouchable and own the road.

Watch out for them, they are freedom stealers... or jerks... whichever.

11:00 AM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

I know, I know... I vent my frustrations by swearing a lot, completely uncensored and very imaginatively!

That can actually be fun! I come up with sooooo many new superlatives to describe them and their entire family tree!

11:06 AM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Ah, but if they were Rednecks (or British Royalty) you could remind them that their family tree does not fork.

I mean, you explain Prince Charles' ears. Eek!

11:08 AM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

Too much in-breeding in the royal houses of Europe, still is, if you ask me.

The Norwegian king and crown prince, bot found their wives outside of that. Marrying women of the people. 'Course, the King was a crown prince when he did that too... It had to be approved by King Olav, it was a huge thing that the crown prince wanted to marry a woman of the people back in the sixties. Not so much when the present crown prince went that way, his problem was that she was a single mom with a somewhat ragged past. Not too ragged, but enough that there were a lot of negative reactions to it.

The Danish crown prince found his wife in the land of Oz. Mary of Denmark is an Aussie, and extremely well liked!

11:26 AM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

That's good. I like it when the nobles get off their high horses and remember that we are all people. Rank and class mean nothing were love is concerned.

I still see signs of the social stigma of inter-racial relations in this country. The older set look around as if afraid the old bigots will shoot them. The younger generations are either totally unaware or are in-your-face about it. Problem is that their own peers are the biggest threat.

More than once in high school, I bore witness to a group of girls attacking a girl for dating 'one of their' guys. White or black. It didn't matter. White girls going after a black girl for dating some cute white jock or wannabe thug. Black girls going after a white girl for dating a black jock or thug. It's disgusting. Hate, hate, hate.

Do they see the world they are helping to build? Didn't they learn anything from their history classes other than getting just enough history to 'justify' their 'anger' and their feelings of being 'suppressed'?

God, I remember when we'd go over the World Wars. Having a German surname was a nightmare. Everyone giving you the 'are you one of those?' kind of looks. And it's not like they try to education themselves, they just make up their minds and act. No real thought, no real research, no asking questions, just stupid jumping to conclusions without even trying to get the facts.

It's sick. It's sick how small minded we can be.

11:48 AM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Ouch, huge rant.

::steps down off soap box and tried to regain some poise::

11:49 AM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

Wow! On helluva rant, if you ask me. And I wasn't even ranting, just pointed out the horrors of too much inbreeding and how some of the more modern royal houses deal with it. Not that I think it's a conscious thing, they just fell in love with girls that weren't royal or noble or even remotely related to it.

Personally, I think it's a good thing. Get some fresh blood into them diluted, inbred bloodlines, and you'll get a healthier family tree!

Violence stemming from racial hatred is never pretty to behold, or even to hear about. First time I saw a movie where the KKK were a big part, I had nightmares about those sheet clad jerks for weeks.

I hate racism, I hate bigotry and I hate hypocrisy! We're all from the same planet, for crying out loud, and if everyone was to look the same, it'd be boring! Look at all the different birds, if there was only one type of birds, birdwatching would sure suck now, wouldn't it?

But, there are always going to be people out there who think they're better than everyone else. Racism exists in all races and all cultures. If it's not skin color, it's religion... And that's just one of the reasons I hate organized religion!

I have no problem with religion, per see, but when it's organized, we have every reason to worry.

::Blinks confusedly, and steps off Kiri's soap box::

How the hell did I end up on that one?

12:15 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

They are magnets. They pull you to them and you don't even know it.

12:19 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

Must be, or we just entered the...

::Dum, dumm, daaah::

Twilight Zone!

Now that's and even scarier scenario than Itchweed cutting grass...


12:29 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Ok, moving on, this topic just got too scary for even me.

12:31 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

Hummm, scardy cat! Oh, no wait... She's on the couch after that last batch of fireworks went off outside...

12:40 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

::chuckles:: Yep, Empress of the World... Scared of fireworks.

12:43 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

Not too bad now, but you should've seen her the first time something went off. She jumped close to six feet up in the air, did a complete tailspin, then dove for cover! I kid you not. I was dead impressed!

12:48 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

She missed her calling. Cat Olympics.

1:25 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

Nah, that would make her actions legal and sanctioned... takes all the fun out of it!

1:29 PM  
Blogger Shadow Rider said...

Hey! you're blogging again! I have a blog somewhere....
Good to hear from you. :-)

6:48 PM  
Blogger NorthWitch said...

::Smiles proudly::

I made her! I kept at her, nagging her about the blog being ignored and feeling unhappy, I guilted her into it!

::Walks off feeling mighty proud of herself::

12:29 PM  
Blogger Raina Nathair said...

Pat yourself on the head.

Hi Shadow Rider! Blog? Blog? Where? Where?

::bouncing around like a homocidial maniac finding out that she has "Brain-Explodey" Powers::

4:43 PM  

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